Friday 28 September 2012

Photo A Day September: Part 1

This is Fat Mum Slim's Photo a Day Challenge:

Day 1. You, now: All three children are napping, clothes are washed and hung and dinner is cooking but my hair is messy and I'm wearing daggy shorts so no selfie of me today!This is me taking a moment to catch a bit of Spring sunshine :)

Day 2. Father: Montana only has eyes for her father today on Father's Day. We went for a family outing to Chipping Norton Lakes.

Day 3. Far Away: Another beautiful day so we returned to Chipping Norton Lakes to go for a walk. I really wanted to walk across the bridge but it looked too far away!

Day 4. Inside my mailbox: Keira found her (not so well hidden) birthday present of Princess shoes and accessories and put them on for the day. She always loves checking the mailbox for mail because it is the perfect height for her :)

Day 5. Bright: Sisters sitting in the bright sun on my parents front lawn watching my brother leave so it was good timing to get this shot

Day 6. Every day: We are blessed to watch our first born Keira grow up into a sweet little lady. Even when she is being cheeky, she makes us laugh EVERY DAY :)

Day 7. Natural: Keira, the little adventurer climbing the back yard tree bare feet in the natural light

Day 8. At Night: We went to our friends Tatiana and Lino's farewell BBQ - who are leaving to travel the USA and Mexico. We had a great time eating, dancing and karaoke :)

Day 9. What we do most Weekends: We hang out with family and friends. This weekend, Lilly slept over and we were enjoying the sunshine on the front lawn while she showed off her gymnastics skills :)

Day 10. Black and White: Experimenting with new app Snapseed (black and white grunge) of this pic of Keira in the back yard tree

Day 11. Hero: Most 9 year olds would prefer to hang out with their friends. Our niece Lilly begs her mum to sleep over our place to help us look after her little cousins. She changes the twins nappies, feed them solids, holds them when they cry and plays with Keira. Although she finds it toug,h she never complains. We always appreciate the 'extra' arms that is always needed here. Lilly is a hero in our eyes and she'll make a great big sister when her twin sisters arrive in a few weeks!!

Day 12. Together: My poor twins have been teething and irritable lately but it's amazing how comforted they are when they are together. Even though they do their own things they like being next to each other - most of the times ;)

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