Sunday, 14 October 2012

Back to work today......

This is just a quick post to document my first day back at work today after 12 months maternity leave. I work part time as an Events Coordinatorr for Cancer Council NSW. I work 3 days a week to coordinate 2 Relay For Life events a year. Pretty sweet deal for me but it's not an easy ride as I have two challenging events to coordinate which keeps me very busy!  

I am writing this on my lunch break and so far it has been the dream first day back at work's only been 3 hours although my day started much earlier at 7am!!! 7am!! I can't even remember the last time I woke up that early. I was supposed to have a trial run last week when my babies started child care but of course that didn't happen we just slept in until 8.30am (which is still quite early as we are used to waking up between 10-11am!)

My prep actually started last night. My dear husband Damien cooked a lovely dinner and prepared a salad for my lunch. I got all the kidlets bags and clothes prepared for child care as well as my own clothes and bag. Keira and the babies went to sleep at 9pm. I fell asleep putting the babies to sleep and I woke up at 11pm to have a shower to find Damien had washed the dishes from dinner, packed my lunch for work,  vacuumed the floor and cleaned the kitchen spotlessly :) He was still awake chopping up fruit for my morning tea.  He told me that after looking after him and the babies for the last 12 months, it's his turn to support me as much as possible. Awww how sweet.

At 7am, I woke up and so did Keira and Lucas. Damien also woke up to get the kidlets ready while I got ready. Montana woke up last and we managed to leave the house by the aim time of 7.50am. I dropped the kidlets off at child care - only Lucas was a little sooky when I left but he has his top teeth coming out. I was on the road by by aim time of 8am. With minimal traffic and finding the perfect parking spot, I was outside my work place in Parramatta at 8.45am for a 9am start. I actually made it to my first day on time! Amazing!

Everyone was very welcoming... it's like I had never left. The handover is going well. Lots of things to do as I have an event in 3 weeks but I am excited to get right into it lol Yes 12 months break from my event Relay For Life has done me good but I wonder how long this enthusiasm will last for..........hopefully until the end of the day at least :)